Get candid, witty, and inspired writing from a younger-older, eastern-western dynamic and explore 'what-if' storytelling on love, life, and creativity.
Ibrahim and I aim to inspire other kindred souls through compelling images, videos, and stories and challenge YOU.
We've done our job if we make you think: What if? (possibilities) as you focus on what matters to you and the people near and dear to you.
Check out https://ibradan.com, where we host all our creative content and work processes.
Follow us https://www.facebook.com/ibradancreative
Daniel's personal social media https://www.facebook.com/dan.trepanier and https://www.instagram.com/dantrepanier
Longer form writing publications
Dan's slightly corporate (boring) profile on https://www.linkedin.com/in/danieltrepanier
Very colourful and visual images on https://www.pinterest.ca/ibradancreative/_saved/
Ocassional posts on Mastodon https://me.dm/@ibradancreative.
Significance, Connection, Belonging, Personal Growth and Contribution are the aims of the people whose lives we touch through our creative expressions!
When we create, we strive to present a unique and appreciated twist. We aim for a more direct, what-if, witty sense of honesty and humour.
Pushing a few emotional buttons is vital to getting readers thinking, feeling, and acting beyond convention or tradition. But it's not always easy to achieve, so be nice.
Ibrahim and I are here to send you positive vibes and inspire you to live your most inspired life.
With respect and love xoxox