Get candid, witty, and inspired writing from a younger-older, eastern-western dynamic and explore 'what-if' storytelling on love, life, and creativity.

Ibrahim and I aim to inspire other kindred souls through compelling images, videos, and stories and challenge YOU.

We've done our job if we make you think: What if? (possibilities) as you focus on what matters to you and the people near and dear to you.

Check out, where we host all our creative content and work processes.

Longer form writing publications

Dan's slightly corporate (boring) profile on

Very colourful and visual images on

Ocassional posts on Mastodon

Significance, Connection, Belonging, Personal Growth and Contribution are the aims of the people whose lives we touch through our creative expressions!

When we create, we strive to present a unique and appreciated twist. We aim for a more direct, what-if, witty sense of honesty and humour.

Pushing a few emotional buttons is vital to getting readers thinking, feeling, and acting beyond convention or tradition. But it's not always easy to achieve, so be nice.

Ibrahim and I are here to send you positive vibes and inspire you to live your most inspired life.

With respect and love xoxox

Medium member since August 2024
Editor of IbraDan Creative
Connect with Daniel~Ibrahim


Get candid, witty, inspired writing to explore 'what-if' storytelling on love, life, creativity by a younger-older, eastern-western same-orientation couple.